Ideas fir 5 servomotor installation onto Phoenix

My goal today is to work on the lamp and come up with ideas for other designs to create a standard Phoenix holder for 5 servomotors.

While this is compact, it would not leave any space for the wrist. Maybe it could be installed within the prosthetic itself. Clearly it would not work. However, the staggering of servomotors (and servo holders) can be used.

Online research examples:

Photo Credit: TechMartian on Instructables


Credit: Beckman Institute

Changing Plane of Rotation 
-Opposable movement of thumb taken into account
-grant greater movement of thumb by adding a plane of rotation vertically instead of just curving in
-could allow us to add 1 servomotor to the palm area and reduce the bulkiness in the wrist

Lamp Shade:


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