Outline/Goals for Summer I/Summer U

Date: 5/21
Location: S321

Hi guys,  Jag here. Today is our first day of our Summer Internship.

We started by 3D printing the calibration cubes on all 4 corners and the center to check if the bed is leveled.
Calibration Cubes on Cura


USB Type B - microcontroller; USB Type A - computer
joy stick, proximity tool (sensor)

// [COMMENTS] <-- closed with a single line
help you to remember what you wrote
/*   */ <-- to close the comment.

output = where power comes out

digital: electrical to ____
analog: _______ to electrical

Tools> Board> Arduino Uno
Tools>Port>Com 5 (depending on what is available, which depends on which is connected at that point of time)

reset with the circular button on the Arduino board when there are issues

( ; ; ; ) <-loops or set ups must be enclosed within parenthesis, and colons help to separate arguments

Today's Assignment 
File>Examples>Basic> Blink
make a traffic light using 3 LEDs, a breadboard

We came back after our hour lunch break and we started our assignment at 3:00 pm.
So here's a summary of our failed attempts ☹️

First attempt: we tried out all three with one ground connector but it didn't work out.

Second attempt - both LED lights lit up but it was not well coordinated (ref. last video).




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