Snow and Assemblies

     So, we finally printed out the parts of the hand! Luckily, our hand was in relatively good shape and we were able to start assembling it. Things that we will have to change for when we actually start distributing the hands are their size (we're working with baby hands) and layer height. We will want finer layer height for better quality. We have a good grasp of how to put it together so far, but we still have to find some strings to put together the second half of it. 

So, we went on a road-trip to get the strings! Walking outside, we realized it was snowing! We had some fun in the snow and some more fun buying color-changing filament and flexible filament for our 3D printer. We are very excited to use them at our open meeting this upcoming Saturday! It will be at 10:00AM in S-327. Everyone is welcome! 


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