Automating the prosthetic - Step 1

Hi! It's Elda. After my week away, I have returned to start putting everything I have learned together, to achieve our summer internship goal. This was to automate the prosthetic using servo motors. Today, I am spending time designing a case for the five servo motors that will be attached to the prosthetic, and 3D printing it. The 3D printer has been giving me trouble, but hopefully by the end of the day I will have a solid case to attach to the prosthetic. Soon, we will also need an arduino mini to power and program the servo motors which will move each of the fingers individually.

After multiple attempts at re-leveling the bed and cleaning the build-plate, I was advised to change the filament, which increased print quality and gave me the case you see below. Luckily, the servo motor fits inside the slot.
Until next time!
